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A world in pain calls out for friendship across faiths.
Be an agent of healing and transformation.
With every donation, no matter how small, we come closer to the goal of establishing the world’s first interreligious museum/experience/encounter devoted to friendship and to the inspiration of prayer across religions.
A world in pain calls out for friendship across faiths.
Be an agent of healing and transformation.
With every donation, no matter how small, we come closer to the goal of establishing the world’s first interreligious museum/experience/encounter devoted to friendship and to the inspiration of prayer across religions.
The testimony of St. Francis, the precedent of forty years of papal convenings and the practices of the Elijah Board of World Religious Leaders offer the world a vision of hope, where every visitor can become:
An instrument of peace;
sowing love where there is hatred;
light where there is darkness;
faith where there is doubt;
and hope where there is despair.
sowing love where there is hatred;
light where there is darkness;
faith where there is doubt;
and hope where there is despair.
The Elijah Interfaith Institute has 501 (c) 3 status, and all contributions are tax deductible in the United States.
Contributions are also accepted by bank checks and direct wire transfers (suitable for larger donations, and reducing fees). Kindly be in touch with us at [email protected] for precise instructions.